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Who else is ready for fall? Fall is my favorite time of the year, from cooler weather and sweaters to pumpkin spice, to witches and goblins, and the Halloween movies to watch. I love it all! In trying to speed up fall’s arrival, I’ve been working on fall and Halloween signs to add to my shop the last couple of weeks. I was most excited about my new Beetlejuice truck design and my daughter just looked at me like I was crazy. That’s when I realized she had no idea who Beetlejuice was! Eeek major mom fail!

Realizing we’d never watched Beetlejuice together made me wonder what other classic Halloween movies she hadn’t seen. So I set out to make a list (insert my husband’s eye roll here) of movies and where we could watch them. In the end, I ended up with two lists. The first of classic movies we could watch as a family with my nephew and the second a horror section list.

Halloween Movies to watch for a movie marathon movie list for the whole family
Halloween Movies to watch for a movie m Marathon movie list horror section

Halloween Movies Options on Disney+

A course if you are going to have a Halloween movie marathon you have have the movies to watch. We don’t have cable tv so my first stop was Disney +. When I got my new iPhone a couple of months ago I got a year subscription for free and absolutely love it. Come on now who’s not a Disney lover? I found all these great Halloween movies for our marathon available.

Halloween Movies to Watch

Amazon Prime Selection

I regularly rent and buy movies from both Amazon and iTunes. Why pay to rent or buy the movies on my list if they’re already available for free? My next stop then was to check Amazon and see what movies from my list were available for free with my prime membership. If you don’t already have Amazon Prime membership you can sign up here for a trial and check these movies for free.

Halloween Movies To Watch on Amazon Prime