Simple Canvas Painting For Kids

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As a mother I am always looking for activities that both my daughter and I will enjoy. The year before last for Mother’s day my daughter and I took a Mommy and Me painting class. I’ve been obsessed with painting ever since. (Hence the launch of my shop!) My daughter loves to paint too. Recently I was trying to come up with a simple canvas painting for kids that the two of us could do with my three year old nephew.

For me painting is a stress relief. It is a way for me to relax and decompress after a long day or a long week. For children and toddlers though painting is an amazing way to stimulate a child’s brain and develop their inner creativity. It helps develop fine motor skills and hand-eye-coordination. Painting also helps build cognitive memory, builds concentration, and develops spatial intelligence. So doing simple canvas painting with my nephew is not only helping him grow but helping me relax.

Simple supplies for a simple canvas painting

The great thing about this simple canvas paintings for kids is that they’re simple. The geometric design you only really need seven items and if you don’t care about surface of where you’re painting you can even cross the table cloth off. Or you can check out the Canvas Painting set in our shop. The set comes with all the supplies listed below.

Area Set up

Before you can start painting you will need to prep your work area. Cover the area with your plastic table cloth. If possible I recommend tapping it to the underside of the work surface to keep your little one from pulling on it. You’ll want to open and lay out your supplies and fill your water cup.

Painting Step by Step

The first step is to cut strips of tape for your geometric design. I recommend cutting the tape in half so that it is approximately 1/2 wide and in strips at least as long as the longest side of your canvas. So in my case we are using 8×10 canvases so I cut 11 inch strips.

Simple Canvas Painting For Kids - Step 1

Place the strips of tape on the canvas in the desired design. There is no right or wrong design when taping off your canvas. As long as you are happy with the layout design.

Simple Canvas Painting For Kids - Step 2

Once you have your canvas taped as desired. Go along each piece and press down on the edges of the tape making sure it is firmly attached to limit the paint that bleed underneath the tape. Commence with Painting. Again there there is no right or wrong way to paint your design. If you want paint each area a different color you can. Or if you want to create a rainbow you can.

Simple Canvas Painting For Kids - Step 3

Once your design is painted let it dry. Next, after the paint has dried, you will need to gently remove the strips of tape.

Simple Canvas Painting For Kids - Step 4

Once the tape is removed you may see that the lines white lines are not crisp as some paint may have bleed under the tape. This is perfectly normal. You have two options. You can leave the edges as they are. Or you can use some white paint and touch up the lines.

Simple Canvas Painting For Kids - Step 5

Clean Up

Congratulations you’ve completed your painting. Now that you and your Picasso are done painting simply set the canvas to the side to allow any touched up areas to dry. If you are wanting to clean up your paint area immediately lay out a couple of paper towels in an out of the way spot. You can then gently transfer the canvas there to dry while you finishing clean everything else up.

I hope you and your child(ren) enjoyed this simple canvas painting for kids and that you’ll share your master pieces with us. You can email your pictures to me to be shared in upcoming news letters. I also love being tagged on Instagram or Facebook. If you are looking for other paint ideas check out my Simple Paint Options board on Pinterest. Until next time!

14 Comments on Simple Canvas Painting For Kids

    • I know mine are like little tornados. And not only can you keep them. Give them a black marker or sharpie after it dries. Let them write a message on it and they make great gifts for Christmas, Birthdays, Mother’s Day/Father’s day or get well soon cards!

    • It’s definitely inexpensive and it’s even better if you already have the supplies! If you don’t you can get everything you need to get started for around $20 at Walmart and that includes multiple canvases.

    • I have used the dollar store canvases with my daughter and nephew. The texturing of them is a little different than the ones from Walmart but that can vary from brand to brand anyway so I’d definitely say the quality is comparable. For the price, I’d say they’d be perfect for classroom projects. Though you may look on amazon or eBay and find them cheaper. The ones I have linked in the post are a little less than $1 each and have free prime shipping.

    • My daughter and I love to paint too! And this technique gives never ending variations. Something my daughter often does with it is use lighter colors and then use a black sharpie or paint pen to write quotes over them. You can also trace and then paint silhouettes over them!

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